Friday, June 22, 2012

A Happy Weekend

I'm at my brother's cute little home.  We have grand plans for this weekend: painting, sewing, going to see Brave (I'm so excited!), watching more movies, cleaning, eating watermelon, repairing siding, playing games, and enjoying my brothers and sissy.

Big brother's house.

What fun things are you about to enjoy?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

W H O O S H!

It has been thirty-three days since I appeared on this blog. And in those thirty-three days we have been here and there, seen and done, worked and relaxed.  I think those days sounded like this:

W H O O S H!

And has left me with a breeze of happy memories.  I could sit down here and write page after page of interesting things I have done this month, and this summer so far, but I would much rather pin up a few pictures for you to see. 

By Anna
National Convention: Under the lights. 

Birthday party at the beach.

 At Great-Great-Grandparents' home.

We are also in the process of redoing our craft room (pictures are coming soon!). Some of my new bulletin board inspirations are here, and here (Better Holmes and Gardens).  It just makes you happy to see how crafty you can get!

I am sorry I haven't posted anything  in over a month, like a good little blogger, but I am starting afresh (I hope)!